Daniel Camps Mur


daniel.camps@i2cat.net (Office)

danicamps81@gmail.com (Personal)


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I am currently leading the Ubiquitous Internet Technology Group (UITU) at the I2CAT Foundation. Our group's insterest lies generally in the wireless domain, and especifically on embedding wireless interfaces in devices constrained in power and energy. Thus, 802.15.4, 802.11, 6LoWPAN, CoAP, and in general the Internet of Things (IoT) are technologies we enjoy tinkering with, always with an experimental approach. In addition to IoT we also investigate architectures and algorithms to improve the capacity of mobile communication networks, focusing here on Wi-Fi based access networks and on the application of logically centralized SDN protocols to improve performance and manageability of the wireless access. Previous to working at I2CAT, I was a researcher at NEC Networks Laboratories in Heidelberg, Germany. My work at NEC focused on wireless networks, QoS, and energy efficiency. At NEC I was also involved in standardization for wireless LANs and have contributed both to the Wi-Fi Alliance and to the IEEE 802.11 working group.

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